

AIBDPA CHQ EC MEETING - 19&20 NOV 2023 - Pune



         The two days Central Executive Committee meeting has started at the Emerald Multi Purpose Hall, Pune on 19 th November, 2023 in an enthusiastic atmosphere.

Com. V A N Namboodiri, Advisor hoisted the National Flag and Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary hoisted the AIBDPA flag.

        The open session was presided over by Com M R Das, President. All the leaders were honoured in the traditional Maharashtra custom. Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary welcomed one and all and presented the important issues. Prof. Ajit Abhayankar, senior leader of CITU and prominent economist delivered the inaugural address with an educative and brilliant speech. Coms. V A N Namboodiri, Nagesh Kumar Nalawade, CHQ Vice President, BSNLEU, Ganesh Hinge, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU and Yusuf Hussain, AGS, BSNLCCWF addressed the open session. Com. M I Jakati, Circle Secretary Maharashtra proposed vote of thanks.

      In the subject session at 3PM resolution paying homage to the martyrs and condolences to those departed during the period was presented by General Secretary. Thereafter the report on activities was read out by Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary assisted by CHQ office bearers. Com M G S Kurup presented the accounts for 2022-23 and the interim account for the period from 01-04-2023 to 30-09-2023.

       Points for discussion on important issues and on advancement of the organisation overcoming the weakness were spelt out by the General Secretary.

            A resolution Committee with Coms. S Mohandoss (Convenor), A. Dhupal and Muddaiah was formed. The CEC adjourned at 7PM and will resume at 9AM on 20th November.

           The reception committee led by Com. N K Nalawade and Com. M I Jakati, Circle Secretary, Maharashtra have made excellent arrangements for the successful conduct of the CEC.

K G Jayaraj
General Secretary


Com S.Mohandoss CHQ VP reading CHQ report on activities.

Com V.Venkatraman CHQ OS reading CHQ report on activities.

Com V Seethalaxmi CHQ Asst Treasurer reading CHQ report on activities.

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