



              7th July 2024 is the 103rd Birth Anniversary of Comrade K.G.Bose, the legendary revolutionary leader of Central and P&T employees, who passed away at a comparatively young age of 54 on 11th December 1974.

Comrade Krishna Gopal Basu entered P&T Department as clerk in the office of the Divisional Engineer Telegraphs, Calcutta in 1941. He became an active worker of the union from the day he joined the service.

Com.K.G. Bose along with Com.Dada Ghosh ( B.N.Ghosh) took lead in organising the P & T Strike of 1946 in Bengal and made it completely successful. He was also an active participant in the formation of UPTW in 1946. KG was arrested and dismissed from service in connection with the proposed P&T strike of 1949 and was never reinstated. He became a full time trade union worker.

KG was one of the comrades who took initiative for formation of NFPTE in 1954, merging all the different existing unions in P& T. He also took leading part in the historic strikes of 1960 and 1968.

He was Circle Secretary, West Bengal of both Postal Class III & Engg. Class III Union. He was also All India President of P.III Union. He was elected as President of NFPTE in 1970 defeating the revisionist leadership and led the movement till his death in 1974.

KG was close to the workers and understood their feelings and pulse. 

Since 1964 All India Conference at Trivandrum, I had been fortunate to be in close contact with him and get his advice and guidance. He visited Calicut twice on our ivitation, the second time in April 1973. In the All India Conference we woked under his guidance. He inspired the workers with his sincerity and progressive ideas. He was an inspiration to the entire trade union movement.

He was elected as an MLA and also functioned as a Member of the Pay Commission for state employees in W.Bengal.

Com.KG Bose passed away on 11th December 1974 at a London Hospital, where he was under treatment for dreaded cancer. His death was a big blow to the P&T and Central employees movement.

His younger brother Com.Moni Bose was an important leader of P&T movement and General Secretary of E.III Union. His wife, Com Jyotsna Bose, was also a respected leader of P&T. Both have passed away.

K.G.Bose Mandiram at Calicut was the first memorial building opened in memory of Com.KG, which was inaugurated by Com.Parul Bose, his wife and leader of Teachers' Union. BSNLEU building in Delhi is named 'KG BOSE BHAWAN' and was inaugurated by Com. A.K.Padmanabhan, President, CITU. The road in front of the family of KG and Moni Bose is named as 'K G BOSE SARANI'in memory of the legendary leader.

W.Bengal comrades organised various memorial programmes in connection with the birth century of Com.K.G.Bose in 1921.

Revolutionary Greetings on the 103rd Birth Anniversary of the legendary leader Com K.G.Bose! Red Salute!

V A N Namboodiri    07.07.2024

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