

Living legendary leader of 1960 strike.

 Living legendary leader of 1960 strike.

🇻🇳Com. Vimala Rao a militant leader of Chennai Telephones.

🇻🇳Arrested and jailed in 1960 central govt employees 5 days glorious strike.


          On the day of 1960 struggle com. K.Arumugam former CS of E3 and E3(N) ChTD.

Com Punitha udayakumar former CHQ VP BSNLEU, Com S.Punitha former ACS E3 and R.Rajasekar CS AIBDPA TN  and others met Com Vimala Rao at her residence and honoured her with Shawls and fruits. 

She  offered us evening snacks, coffee and return gift. 

She recollected all the events took place on 11th July 1960 evening from 4PM leading to her arrest and jailed for 5 days  at the age of 27. 

She was working as an Telephone Operator in Special services exchange in chennai and a militant trade unionist. 

Retired in 1991 still working for a emancipation of women in her area. She was honored with Life time achievement awards by area associations.

Now she is 92 with very sharp memories.

We all wished her long healthy life. We left her house with lot of energy and inspiration. 

She walked till the the gate and gave send-off.

Long Live Com. Vimala Rao 💐

Circle Secretary 
AIBDPA Tamilnadu


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