


 AIBDPA CHQ circular

Dear Comrades,

              It was on 21-10-2009, the mighty organization, All India BSNL DOT Pensioners Association was formed in a conve ntion held at New Delhi. Com. V A N Namboodiri, then General Secretary, BSNLEU took the initiative to form the organization as per the decision of its Central Executive Committee Meeting. Stalwarts like Com. M. K. Pandhe, then President, CITU, Com. S. K. Vyas, the legendary leader of the Central Government Employees and Pensioners, then Secretary General, NCCPA, Com. P. V. Chandrasekharan, Com. Ananta Kumar Bhattacharjee, veteran leaders of the P&T Trade Union movement were the important leaders participated.

             Yes, AIBDPA has completed a glorious 15 years keeping up the great traditions of P&T Trade Union movement. Most importantly, AIBDPA organised numerous struggles to acheive the genuine demands of BSNL and DoT pensioners. 

          We always maintained good relationship with the employees organizations of BSNL, realising the fact that their support is key to settle the important issues of the pensioners. AIBDPA got affiliated with NCCPA immediately after its formation and plays an important role in the vibrant functioning of NCCPA. When an International Pensioners Organization was formed under the leadership of WFTU in 2014, AIBDPA got affiliated with Trade Union International ( Pensioners & Retirees )and continuing with due recognition as a militant affiliate.

         AIBDPA is a dominant participant in the struggles launched by NCCPA, Coordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA & BSNL CCWF, Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations and TUI (P&R). 

             Many issues have been settled through negotiations and struggles as well. It was the powerful Sanchar Bhawan March held on 24-08-2022 that compelled the BSNL management to grant medical benefits with arrears withheld for more than three years. It was only AIBDPA which conducted a series of struggles against denial of medical benefits. AIBDPA again intervened effectively when certain buerocracy in BSNL still deneid the medical benefits in many circles in the name of non-submission of option. 

                  The marathon discussion with the PGM (Admn), BSNL Corporate office resulted in issuing a clarificatory order on 2nd May, 2023 settling almost all the pending cases. DoT also called a meeting of all the pensioners organizations on 17-10-2022 based on an internal note sheet processed for pension revision.

              We are celebrating the 16th Foundation Day on 21-10-2024, yet again  amidst the struggles by Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations for pension revision and NCCPA for pensionary and CGHS issues, culminating with massive protest action at Delhi.

          Introdction of Unified Pension Scheme instead of restoration of Old Pension Scheme is not acceptable as UPS also is contributory like NPS. Central Government is not ready to issue orders on restoration of commutation of pension after 10 years 8 months, notional increment for pension to those who completed one full year service but retired without drawing the increment, based on several court orders including Supreme Court. So also is the issues like additional pension at 65 years, FMA @, ₹3000 and restoration of railway concession to senior citizens.

              Our pension revision issue also is being prolonged unjustly though expected to have been settled in 2023 based on the discussion in the meeting held on 17-10-2022. Now, the government has got an excuse of 'subjudice' due to the court proceedings on pension revision. But we can't wait indefinitely for years until the final order from Supreme Court is issued and that is why we are on sustained struggle for an urgent settlement of the burning issue.

            BSNL is still in crisis, mainly due to non launching of 4G/ 5G, the culprit being none other than the central government by denying permission to procure the equipment from global vendors. It is also a disturbing news that a proposal is being mooted for a second VRS. 

          The wage revision issue has got momentum with the significant development of joining together of 18 organizations of both executive and non executive and revival of the United Forum of all unions and associations. We feel that the need of the hour is to have a broader unity of all the employees organizations and pensioners organizations  forming a Joint Action Council which would be a formidable force to acheive the legitimate demands of wage revision and pension revision.

            So let us observe the 16th foundation day by hoisting the red flag, holding meetings / seminars, conducting medical camps, supplying food, cloth etc to the needy people.

Long Live AIBDPA

Long Live NCCPA 

Long Live TUI(P&R)

K G Jayaraj 
General Secretary

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